Desing, Inspiration, Interior
About This Project

Harmonizing Spaces:

Enhancing Pediatric Oncology Care at Valencia University Clinical Hospital through Collaborative Design

As a Project Manager, my primary focus is to design and execute projects that not only meet functional needs but also enrich the lives of those who use the spaces we create. This commitment was demonstrated in our recent collaboration with Antonyo Marest on the project for the Pediatric Oncology ward at the Valencia University Clinical Hospital. My ability to coordinate multidisciplinary talents and manage resources effectively has been essential in carrying out an intervention beyond aesthetics, positively impacting the mood and well-being of pediatric patients and their families.

I want to highlight the work of the NGO Fundación Aladina, whose tireless efforts provide support and hope to children and adolescents suffering from cancer, as well as to their families. Their commendable task of providing an environment of care and emotional support is vital in the fight against this disease. In this project, the Foundation has played a crucial role in ensuring that the design considerations centre around the pediatric patients’ needs and emotional well-being.

Furthermore, the role of the FORMICA GROUP has been fundamental. Their ability to transform materials into perfect solutions for each need, combined with their exceptional technical commitment and strong community support stance, has allowed this project to be not only durable and functional but also deeply humane and supportive.

Finally, it is impossible to discuss this project without mentioning Antonyo Marest again. His talent for channelling positive emotions through his works is unparalleled. His Mediterranean-inspired style and careful colour palette have been essential in creating an environment that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves as an active pathway to a state of greater harmony, which is crucial in the preamble to improving and treating the pediatric oncology patients and their families. Marest’s ability to transform ordinary spaces into transformative experiences reflects the perfect synthesis of art and empathy, a key component of our project in Valencia.

– 2024