Strategic Artistry: Fran Picazo's Mastery in Bridging Artistic Vision and Community Engagement Fran Picazo, renowned for his adept direction in art projects, showcases his exceptional ability to create synergies among artistic movements and actions. His leadership was instrumental in the successful completion of a monumental mural...

Innovation and Sustainability: Advancing the 'Marest' Lifeguard Station Project in Alicante A year ago, I had the honour of continuing the groundbreaking project I started with the installation of the first "Allegra" Lifeguard Station at San Juan Beach, Alicante. This station, named after the daughter of...

Navigating Art and Performance: Managing the Miralda 'Honeymoon Project' and the Sabateta Gondola  Performance   As the Project Manager overseeing the "La Sabateta de la Liberty & Honey Moon Project 2024" in collaboration with Antoni Miralda, I was tasked with ensuring seamless integration and operational coherence within...